Does this look like your
Performance Appraisal for the first half of 2008?
Performance Appraisal: Allison "Sales Guru" Smith - 2008*
Obliterate Sales Quota and Set New Sales Record:
Exceeded Expectations*
Achieve 100% Account Penetration in Tier 1 and Tier 2 GSM Mobile Operators :
Exceeded Expectations*
Blow Away Competition Due to Expertise in Wireless Network Optimization Software:
Exceed Expectations*
Become Most Recognized Sales Leader in the Known World:
Failed to Achieve Expectations(but only because you weren't working for us).
We can help you change that last one. But not until you decide that you're ready for the fame and fortune that goes with being the Sales Director whose solutions revolutionize the customers ROI (that's what happens when the wireless networks are optimized efficiently), and they save billions (okay, maybe millions) of dollars. All because of you. Well, us too. But we'll give you all the credit.
We're ready to talk. Put us on your calendar. Start by sending an email to:
Tell me, in one paragraph, your most significant accomplishment of 2008.
If it's cool enough, I just might call you the Queen (or King) of the Known Sales World.
I'm waiting. But not for long.